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From 11-26 February 2025 I spent my 6th time in service to Ukraine with the charity This time, I spent my time  in and around Lviv, including overnight trips to Kalush and Ternopyl. It was a much calmer, less pressurised atmosphere in Lviv – only two air-raid alerts compared with the 4 – 6 you get every day in the East. I realised that I was therefore, less tense and ‘alert’ myself; I didn’t carry the constant anticipation of missile strikes, drone appearances, need to know where the nearest shelter was, avoidance of land mines and looking out for booms, or pillars of smoke. Interesting. A different lifestyle then for those who live in the West compared with the ‘hypervigilant’ attention needed and lack of sleep in the East.

Still, no doubt a country at war as evidenced sadly by our visits to the military hospitals and rehabilitation units – so many amputees and loss of limbs. The soldiers seemed overall strong, determined and positive. We also served in orphanages, mental health organisations and refuges for IDPs and abused women. It was very emotional and intense, worthwhile and heart-breaking.

Unfortunately also, this was the last ever pizza run for HopeFull. We have served in Ukraine for 3 years, every day, in both the East and the West. An incredible achievement which has positively touched the lives of millions of refugees, children, the aged, the fighters. I am proud to have been a small part of this courageous and kind endeavour, and look to return to Ukraine soon to help in some other way.


Paula Reid

Author Paula Reid

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